Vegetable boxes – CSA

In August 2023, we launched our first CSA box scheme. With the support of the Community Supported Agriculture network and mentoring from Tomnah’a market garden, we were ready to start our pilot programme running from August to November.

What is a CSA?

CSA is fundamentally a way of connecting us to our food and to the risks and rewards of producing it. The community are encouraged to become members, investing in the project to share the risks, rewards and responsibilities of farming. Crops can fail, supply can be reduced, equally in favourable weather increased.

This model is supported by three core values: 
CARE: CSA farming should be managed in a responsible way which sustains and enhances the health of soil, plant, animal, human and planet as one and indivisible; supports the land, producers and communities to flourish and thrive; and protects their health and well-being now and into the future.  
ECOLOGY AND DIVERSITY: CSA farming should be based on living ecological systems and cycles, work with them, emulate them, help sustain them and work to ensure and increase diversity at every ecosystem level.
FOOD SOVEREIGNITY: Food Sovereignty is the right of people everywhere to produce food locally and sustainably through agroecological methods that respect the climatic, cultural and geographical context of each region.

Would you like to join the mouvement ?

The Scheme for 2023 is now closed but you can message us if you would like to join for 2024.

What’s in your box?

All produce from your box are grown organically and on site. This is an example of what you will find in your box. It might slightly defer from the box you receive but it is still 100% goodness.

Looking for inspiration?

We are always keen to try new recipes! If you would like to share any, we would love to hear from you.

Our members have shared a few. And it looks delicious!

Kale pasta shared by Gemma

  • Runner bean frittata with steamed broccoli and a jacket potato
  • Pasta with green beans, potato and pesto
  • Beetroot soup with yoghurt and dill
  • Kale and onion pizza with tomatoes
  • Courgettes and patty pan with a chilli and tahini dressing

Shared by Catherine on her blog, Eat, Drink, Cycle